BlogAutomotiveModificationsCar Branding candidates: effective and cost-effective media campaign

Car Branding candidates: effective and cost-effective media campaign

Examples Of Car Branding Candidates

Car Branding candidates: effective and cost-effective media campaign - Legislative elections (elections) 2024 will be held soon. Candidates for legislative members (caleg) from various political parties (parpol) also began to prepare to win as many votes as possible. One of the important things done by candidates is to convey their vision and mission to the community.

One of the most effective and efficient media campaigns to convey the vision and mission of candidates is branding mobil caleg or car stickers candidates. Car Branding is the installation of stickers or wrapping on cars that contain information about candidates and their parties.

We from Elite Stickers Indonesia provide candidate car branding services with the price of candidate car stickers that can be adjusted to the demand of potential customers from various parties participating in the 2024 campaign.

List of parties participating in the 2024 campaign, as follows: Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), National Awakening Party (PKB), Great Indonesia Movement party (Gerindra), Indonesian Democratic Party of struggle (PDIP), Golkar party (Golkar), Nasdem Party, Labour Party, Indonesian people's wave Party (Gelora), Prosperous Justice Party (PKSPeople's Conscience Party (Hanura), Garda Perubahan Indonesia Party, National Mandate Party (PAN), Bulan Bintang party (PBB), Democratic Party, party, Persatuan Indonesia (Perindo), United Development Party (PPP), Nanggroe Aceh party (PNA), Generation Aceh party Beusaboh Tha'at and Taqwa (Gabthat), Darul Aceh party (PDA), Aceh party, Adil Sejahtera Aceh party (PAS Aceh), Solidarity Party, Independent People of Aceh (SIRA), Ummah Party and other parties.

See also: Jakarta car stickers: current trends that make cars more cool

Here are 4 ways to create a car branding design for candidates:

Car branding services or car sticker branding candidates and car sticker candidates is a sticker installation service on the car body with a full body car branding price that is relatively cheap compared to other campaign media. This price varies depending on the shape of the image design and the area of the car body on which the sticker will be installed. The design of the car's own branding can be from the whole body to the car window or it can be only part of the car body. Here's how to make a car sticker branding design candidates that you can apply.

Create a car branding design that attracts attention

Branding mobil caleg is the thing that makes people able to recognize where the party of candidates candidates come from along with the vision and mission for the community later. The campaign Media itself consists of slogans, party logos, colors, and models or photos of election participants or candidates. Car Branding is a media campaign whose level of influence on the community is very high because it makes it able to attract the attention of the public and make them remember your party.

Using high resolution photos

High resolution photos can avoid printing results that are not optimal compared to using low resolution photos with broken or blur when diwrapping.

Don't use too long sentences

The use of sentences that are too long will be ineffective when the vehicle is moving because of the short reading time and missed. The result is that the message to be conveyed will not be conveyed to the reader. It is better to use party logos, slogans, photos, and candidate information.

Make a minimalist design

Design branding sticker car candidates most of the car body or not full body branding can provide benefits, such as the message to be conveyed to the public delivered and save budget sticker production.

Advantages Of Car Branding Candidates

There are several advantages that candidates can get by using car branding, including:

Effective in delivering the message

Car Branding can reach a wider community, because cars can move to various places.

Cost efficient

The cost of car branding is relatively cheaper compared to other media campaigns, such as television or radio advertising.

Easy to do

Car Branding can be done by professional car branding services.

Elite Stickers Indonesia provides car branding services for candidates at prices that can be adjusted to the demand of prospective customers from various political parties. We have branches in West Jakarta, South Jakarta, Tangerang, and Palembang. For vehicles that we usually do like Hyundai Ioniq cars, Avanza cars, Agya cars, Grand Max cars, Innova cars, Pajero cars, sedan cars, APV cars, pick up cars, ambulance cars, trucks, and others.

Examples Of Car Branding Candidates

Here is an example of car branding design candidates:

Branding design of car candidates partly car body

The picture above is an example of car branding design of candidates for some car bodies. This design uses party logos, slogans, photos of candidates, and candidate information. This design attracts attention because it uses bright colors and high-resolution photos of candidates.

Full body candidates car branding design

Full body candidate car branding design. This design uses party logos, slogans, photos of candidates, and candidate information as a whole. This design is more effective to convey a message to the public because it uses more space.

Considerations For Choosing A Branding Design Car Sticker Candidates

Here are some considerations in choosing the type of car sticker branding candidates:


Budget is the most important factor in choosing the type of car sticker branding candidates. Full body Branding is usually more expensive than partial car body branding.

Target audience

The Target audience also needs to be considered in choosing the type of car sticker branding candidates. If the target audience is the general public, then full body branding may be more effective. However, if the target audience is a specific society, then partial branding of the car body may be enough.

The impression you want to display

The impression you want to display also needs to be considered in choosing the type of car sticker branding candidates. Full body Branding usually gives a more professional and convincing impression. Meanwhile, the branding of some car bodies usually gives a more relaxed and familiar impression.


Car Branding candidates is a media campaign that is effective, cool, and the cost is not too expensive. By creating an attention-grabbing design, using high-resolution photos, not using too long sentences, and creating a minimalist design, you can create an effective candidate car branding to convey a message to the public.

If looking for Car Branding Services For Candidates with prices that can be adjusted to your budget, there is nothing wrong with contacting Elite Stickers Indonesia. You can contact us at tel./ wa: 0812 1232 2221 or directly come to nearest branch with your location.

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Elite Stickers Indonesia has several services such as PPF (Paint Protection Film) installation services, car sticker wrapping services, car sticker cutting services and car branding services in several locations including West Jakarta, South Jakarta, Tangerang and Palembang.

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